The Greatest Enemy Is You!: Personal Finance



With our aging population, the escalating cost of health care has already taken away 45-50% of the budgets of most Canadian provinces, and because so many North Americans maintain an unhealthy lifestyle the numbers are only likely to rise. So what does that mean for retirement? North Americans may not be able to rely on the government for a steady pension. Already the public pension and welfare payments offered by the Canadian and American governments make it nearly impossible to live comfortably; imagine how further strained budgets might exacerbate the situation. We need to take retirement savings into our own hands. I believe that the majority of society’s woes, such as crime, family break-downs, and health issues, are mainly caused by money problems. For this reason I am dedicated to teaching people how money works. If people are able to keep more of their money and successfully manage their finances, they can prevent a lot of financial stress.


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